Email marketing is a crucial component of any business strategy, particularly for customer retention, as it provides a direct way to reintroduce the brand to the customer. At Leisure Electronics, email marketing played a key role in our overall strategy, especially since our BingoPlus players were highly responsive to email campaigns.
Using tools like MailJet, I helped create and launch weekly email campaigns aimed at driving engagement and bringing players back to the site. I was responsible for designing both the graphics and the text, ensuring that each email was visually appealing and compelling enough to encourage users to return to the platform.
As we introduced new banners and a more consistent approach to BingoPlus' email marketing, we saw a significant increase in both our open rates and click-through rates. This improvement highlighted the effectiveness of a cohesive design and messaging strategy.
I have developed strong expertise in email marketing, from mastering the software tools involved (such as MailJet) to the creative aspects, including crafting compelling text and designing eye-catching graphics. This combination of skills has allowed me to create engaging and impactful campaigns that resonate with customers and drive results.